Mystic Knight Merc Squad - Page 4 (2024)

Sarge pushed the last of the villagers through the door, slamming it shut behind them. He turned to face the Cold-Blooded, his mind whirling with the horror of what he had just witnessed.

Sarge: (to himself, voice trembling) "What have we unleashed?"

The villagers gathered, their faces pale and eyes wide with fear. The trust they had begun to place in the Cold-Blooded was shattered, replaced by a primal fear of the creatures now devouring the remains of Sarge’s comrades.

Villager 1: "We should have never trusted them! They’re worse than the vampires!"

Sarge knew he had to take control, to reassure the villagers and figure out how to handle the Cold-Blooded’s uncontrollable hunger.

Sarge: (raising his voice) "We need to stay calm. We’ll find a way to deal with this, but for now, we need to stay away in the hall."

Sarge looked back at the hall, the sounds of the feeding frenzy still echoing in his ears.

The door to the community hall creaked open, and the people kept looking. One pointed his rifle down at the Cold-Blooded.

Finishing their “meal” the Cold-Blooded put on the clothes of Sarge’s fallen comrades, their previously pale and gaunt faces now looking almost human. Their eyes, once dark with hunger, now shone with relief and satisfaction. Their bellies were fat. The joy of being sated was evident, and they wore expressions of bliss that they could not hide if they tried.

The villagers watched in a mix of fear and fascination as the Cold-Blooded ley in the light. Sarge stood at the front of the group, his emotions a tumultuous mix of anger, sorrow, and confusion.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "We are sorry for your loss. I hope you remember, no LIVING thing died because of us. IF we could have we would have saved your men from whatever ax wielding murder killed them. I’m sorry for losing control but we had to eat and could no longer contain ourselves."

Sarge’s grip tightened on his weapon, his eyes narrowing. He struggled to reconcile the sight of his friends’ clothes on these almost-human creatures with the horror he had witnessed moments ago.

Cold-Blooded Leader: (with genuine regret) "I apologize. Our memories of our past lives are mostly lost to us along with our social graces. Most of the time we are in the wild and keep our own company; where we can be ourselves."

Sarge’s mind raced with what he was hearing.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "I regret how we lost ourselves to our hunger in front of you. For the injustice of the murder of your brothers. We swear an oath, to avenge their murder. We are very good at tracking the scent of blood, it is what drew us to this place."

The Cold-Blooded glanced around, their senses keenly aware of the residual scent of blood and death that lingered in the air.

Sarge took a deep breath, his mind racing. He had been prepared to fight these creatures, but now they were offering to help him. He looked into the leader’s eyes, searching for any sign of deceit, but all he saw was sincerity.

The villagers watched in a mix of fear and fascination as the Cold-Blooded picked themselves up, their movements smooth and almost graceful. Sarge stood at the front of the group, his emotions a tumultuous mix of anger, sorrow, and confusion.

Sarge: (firmly) "There’s something you need to know. I witnessed it. I know who killed my teammates."

The Cold-Blooded leader’s eyes widened slightly, a look of shock crossing his face.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "You know who did this?"

Sarge nodded, his gaze shifting to the villagers, who were watching anxiously.

Sarge: "Yes. The people here... they did it. They were so afraid of vampires that they killed my teammates because they had been bitten once. They thought they would eventually turn into vampires, so they made sure it couldn't happen."

The Cold-Blooded exchanged looks of disbelief and anger. The idea that the villagers could commit such an act was incomprehensible to them.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "This is far worse than anything we’ve done. This is murder."

Cold-Blooded Member: (stepping forward) "They should be arrested and tried for their crimes."

Sarge’s heart pounded as he saw the villagers’ expressions turn from fear to guilt. The elderly woman, who had spoken to him earlier, stepped out of the Hall, her face pale.

Elderly Woman: (voice trembling) "We did what we thought was necessary. We were scared... we didn’t want them to turn into monsters."

Cold-Blooded Leader: (with a cold fury) "Your fear does not justify murder."

The villagers began to murmur, fear and panic spreading among them.

Villager 1: "We were only trying to protect ourselves!
Villager 2: “We didn’t know what else to do!"

A rifle goes off.

One of the Cold-Blooded is shot. It made him flinch but did not break his skin.

Village 1: “It just went OFF. I swear.”

Sarge: (raising his voice) "And before, because of your actions, my friends are dead. They didn’t deserve to die like that."

The Cold-Blooded leader turned to Sarge, his expression resolute.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "We will help you bring these murderers to justice. They cannot be allowed to get away with this."

Sarge nodded, feeling a strange sense of solidarity with the Cold-Blooded. Despite their differences, they were united in their quest for justice.

Sarge: "They must face the consequences of their actions."

The Cold-Blooded began to move, their senses sharp as they tracked the scent of blood. The villagers watched in silent horror as the Cold-Blooded fluidly advanced towards the Hall.

People began to run out the back.

Elderly Woman: "It was me. I convinced them it was the only way. I... I didn’t want to see them turn into monsters."

The Cold-Blooded leader stepped forward, his gaze icy.

Sarge: “I wasn’t there. I did not see who did it but I can believe the rest stood round and did nothing.”

Cold-Blooded Leader: "Accessories to murder. At the very least, witnesses who can name the killer or lie in silence."

Sarge watched as the villagers began to break down, realizing the gravity of what was happening. He knew that justice had to be served, and with the help of the Cold-Blooded, they would ensure that the deaths of his friends would not go unpunished.

Sarge: "Let’s take them to the authorities. They will face justice for what they’ve done."

The Cold-Blooded nodded, and together, they began to move to escort the guilty villagers away.

Sarge stood at the edge of the community, his eyes scanning the frantic villagers who were fleeing in all directions. His heart pounded in his chest, a mix of anger, sorrow, and the bitter taste of betrayal gnawing at his sanity. His teammates were dead, murdered by the very people they had protected, and now those people were trying to escape justice.

Sarge: (voice cracking with emotion) "You think you can run? You think you can escape what you’ve done?"

Beside him, the Cold-Blooded leader placed a hand on Sarge’s shoulder.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "They can run but they cannot hide from what they’ve done."

The Cold-Blooded fanned out and pursued the people. Sarge gripped his weapon tightly, his knuckles white, as he watched the chaos unfold. He could feel the anger boiling inside him, threatening to consume him.

Sarge: (to himself, voice trembling) "I couldn’t protect them... I couldn’t save them..."

The Cold-Blooded moved with precision, their enhanced abilities allowing them to track the villagers with ease. One by one, they began to apprehend the fleeing townspeople, using their strength and speed to subdue them without causing serious harm.

Cold-Blooded Member: "Over here! We’ve got another one!"

Sarge turned to see a villager being restrained, their eyes wide with fear and guilt. He marched over, his face a mask of barely contained rage.

Sarge: "Why? Why did you do it?"

The villager, trembling, could barely meet Sarge’s gaze.

Villager: "We... we were scared. We thought they’d turn into vampires. We had to do something..."

Sarge’s eyes filled with tears, his voice breaking.

Sarge: "They were my friends... my brothers in arms. And you killed them."

He turned away, struggling to compose himself as the Cold-Blooded continued their efforts. The leader approached Sarge again, their voice calm and steady.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "We will bring them all back. They will face justice."

Sarge nodded, his emotions swirling in a tempest of grief and anger. The Cold-Blooded worked tirelessly, tracking down the villagers and bringing them back to the center of the community. The once bustling area now resembled a battlefield, with captured villagers huddled together, awaiting justice.

Cold-Blooded Member: (holding up an axe) "We found the weapon."

Sarge stared at the blood-stained axe, his mind flashing back to the horrific butchering. His knees buckled, and he fell to the ground, his hands covering his face as he sobbed.

Sarge: "Why... why did it have to end like this?"

The Cold-Blooded leader knelt beside him, their presence a grounding force amidst the turmoil.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "Your teammates deserve justice, and you are the one who can ensure they get it."

Sarge took a deep, shuddering breath, forcing himself to his feet. He wiped away his tears, his resolve hardening.

Sarge: "You’re right. We will see this through. They will answer for what they’ve done."

The Cold-Blooded formed a protective circle around the captured villagers, ensuring no one else could escape. Sarge stood at the center, his eyes scanning the faces of those who had betrayed his trust.

Sarge: "You will face justice. You will answer for the lives you’ve taken."

The villagers, now subdued and filled with regret, watched in silence as Sarge and the Cold-Blooded took control. The community, once a place of refuge, had become a crucible of truth and consequence.

As the sun set, casting long shadows over the lake, Sarge knew that the road to justice would be long and difficult.

Sarge stood at the center of the community, his emotions a volatile mix of rage, sorrow, and confusion. The people around him, those he had come to protect, were now the source of his deepest pain. His teammates, his friends, were dead because of these people. His thoughts were a maelstrom, influenced by the vampire’s words and the horrors he had witnessed.

Sarge: (voice trembling with fury) "You think you can run from this?"

The villagers were scattering in all directions, their faces twisted with fear and desperation. The Cold-Blooded moved swiftly, their senses honed on the scent of panic and guilt. They began to round up the fleeing villagers, their expressions cold and unyielding.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "We will bring them all back."

As the Cold-Blooded dragged the villagers back to the center of the community, Sarge felt his patience wearing thin. The people started to beg, offering deals, pointing fingers, and making threats.

Villager: (crying) "Please, I’ll tell you everything! It was John who did it, he’s the one you want!"

Another Villager: (desperate) "I have gold, valuables! Take them and let me go, please!"

Villager 3: (threatening) "You don’t know who you’re messing with! Let me go, or you’ll regret it!"

Sarge’s eyes darkened with anger, the voices around him blending into a cacophony of betrayal and cowardice. He thought of the vampire’s words, her comparison of heroes and monsters. Was he becoming a monster?

Sarge: (shouting, losing control) "Enough! You all betrayed us! You killed my friends out of fear, and now you’re trying to save yourselves?"

He grabbed the nearest villager, a trembling man, by the collar and pulled her close.

Sarge: "Who killed them?"

The man’s eyes filled with tears, and she pointed shakily at a man cowering nearby.

Man: "It was him! He did it!"

The accused man shook his head frantically, trying to deny it.

Man #2: "No! He’s lying! I didn’t do it!"

Sarge threw the man aside and advanced on the other man, his fists clenched. The Cold-Blooded watched, their expressions impassive.

Sarge: (interrupting) "I don’t care! You ALL deserve to pay for what you did!"

The man fell to his knees, begging for his life.

Man: "Please, I’m sorry! We were scared! We didn’t know what else to do!"

Sarge raised his fist, ready to strike, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. It was the Cold-Blooded leader.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "Don’t become the monster you despise."

Sarge hesitated, his mind flashing back to the vampire’s words about heroes and monsters. He looked around at the terrified faces of the villagers, realizing that fear and panic had driven them to this. But the rage inside him was too strong, too consuming.

Sarge: (voice breaking) "They butchered my friends… I can’t forgive that."

The Cold-Blooded leader nodded, understanding the pain but trying to guide Sarge towards reason.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "Then let’s find the real murderer and ensure they face true justice."

Sarge took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm inside him. He turned to the villagers, his voice still shaking with anger.

Sarge: "You will all answer for what you’ve done. No more deals, no more lies."

The Cold-Blooded began to separate the villagers, interrogating them one by one with their keen senses and unyielding presence. Sarge watched, his heart heavy, knowing that the path to justice would be long and fraught with pain.

As the night wore on, the cold light of the moon illuminated the faces of the guilty and the innocent, and Sarge knew that whatever the outcome, he would never be the same again.

A Lady's Call

Location: The lakeside community, late night. The moon hangs high in the sky, casting a pale glow over the now silent and tense settlement.

Sarge sat alone on a fallen log near the edge of the lake, the weight of the night’s events pressing heavily on his shoulders. The Cold-Blooded were finishing up their interrogations, and the villagers were huddled together, subdued and frightened. His thoughts were a chaotic mix of anger, sorrow, and the haunting words of the vampire lady he had met.

As he stared into the still waters of the lake, his radio crackled to life. Startled, he picked it up, recognizing the voice immediately.

Vampire Lady: (soft, almost soothing "Are you there?"

Sarge’s grip tightened on the radio, his heart pounding. He hesitated for a moment before responding.

Sarge: "I’m here."

Vampire Lady: "How are you holding up?"

Sarge let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head.

Sarge: "How do you think? My friends are dead, murdered by the people I came to protect. Everything is falling apart."

There was a moment of silence on the other end before she spoke again.

Vampire Lady: "I’m sorry. Truly. I know you’re hurting. Can you talk to me? Tell me what’s going on inside your head."

Sarge sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and relief. Despite everything, her voice was oddly comforting.

Sarge: "I don’t know what to think anymore. You told me heroes and monsters aren’t so different, and now I’m starting to believe you. I tried to protect my team from you, but it was the villagers who killed them. And now… now they’re turning on each other, trying to save their own skins."

Vampire Lady: "It’s a harsh reality. Fear makes people do terrible things. But you’re not a monster. You’re a man trying to find his way in the chaos."

Sarge closed his eyes, her words resonating with the turmoil inside him.

Sarge: "I feel like I’ve lost my way. I don’t know how to make things right."

Vampire Lady: "Sometimes, making things right means accepting that there’s no perfect solution. It’s about finding balance and doing what you can to protect those who are still here."

Sarge looked out over the lake, the water reflecting the moonlight in a shimmering dance. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself.

Sarge: "How do you do it? How do you live with what you are?"

Vampire Lady: "I didn’t choose this life, but I’ve found ways to live with it. I focus on the good I can do, even if it’s small. And I try to understand those around me, even when they fear me. You’re stronger than you think. You just need to find that strength within yourself."

Her words struck a chord deep within him. Despite their differences, she understood his struggle in a way few others could.

Sarge: "Thank you. For what it’s worth, I appreciate you reaching out."

Vampire Lady: "Anytime. Remember, you’re not alone in this. If you ever need to talk, I’m here."

Sarge nodded, even though she couldn’t see him.

Sarge: "I’ll keep that in mind."

The radio fell silent, and Sarge sat there for a long moment, processing their conversation. Her words had given him a small measure of peace, a brief respite from the storm raging within him.

Sarge stood alone, staring at the still waters of the lake, his mind a whirl of conflicting emotions. The radio crackled again, pulling him from his thoughts.

Vampire Lady: (voice urgent, trembling) "Are you still there?"

Sarge’s heart pounded as he lifted the radio to his mouth.

Sarge: "Yes, I’m here. What is it?"

Vampire Lady: "I need your help. I was too afraid to ask before but I can't see any other way. I need to feed on blood, and I’m running out of time."

Sarge felt a chill run down his spine. He remembered the vampire’s words, her struggle to maintain control.

Vampire Lady: "In the past two weeks or so of being, what I am, my friends and family let me feed off of them. They are part of our community. I need you to allow me to drink their blood without stopping them or me."

Sarge’s grip tightened on the radio. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

Sarge: "You want me to let you feed on them?"

Vampire Lady: "I know it’s a lot to ask, but if I don’t feed, I’ll lose control. My father told me that a vampire needs fresh blood, right from the vein. I can try to resist, but after four nights of abstinence, the hunger becomes unbearable. By the fifth night, I’ll be a danger to everyone around me."

Sarge’s mind raced. The villagers were already terrified, and now this? But he couldn’t deny the urgency in her voice, the genuine fear.

Vampire Lady: "Animal blood won’t work. Artificial blood won’t work. Even blood from a blood bank is only good if it’s less than 12 hours old. I don’t have to kill when I feed, but if no one is there to stop me; I could lose control."

Sarge swallowed hard, remembering the words of the vampire and the chaos of the past days.

Vampire Lady: "Please. If I don’t feed, I’ll go insane and then I will kill someone. Blood is my food and my medicine. Without it, I’ll lose control. If you can’t let me feed, then... then, I NEED you need to kill me before I can’t stop myself. I’d rather die by your hand than lose control and kill an innocent person."

Sarge felt his heart breaking. He had seen so much death, so much betrayal. But here was someone begging for help, for mercy.

Sarge: (voice breaking) "I… I don’t know if I can do this. After everything…"

Vampire Lady: "You’re stronger than you think. You’ve faced so much already. Please, help me. I don’t want to become a monster."

Sarge took a deep breath, the weight of her plea pressing down on him. He looked out over the lake, the moonlight reflecting off the water.

Sarge: "Alright. I’ll talk to them. I’ll see if they’re willing to help. But you have to promise me, you won’t harm them."

Vampire Lady: "I promise. I don’t want to harm anyone."

Sarge felt a glimmer of hope, a fragile thread in the darkness.

Sarge: "Stay where you are. I’ll come to you when it’s safe."

Vampire Lady: "Thank you. You don’t know what this means to me."

Sarge put down the radio, his hands trembling. He knew the path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but he couldn’t ignore the desperate plea for help. He steeled himself, ready to face whatever came next, determined to find a way to balance survival and mercy.

Trying to explain things to the Cold-Blooded Leader

Sarge turned to face the Cold-Blooded leader, his expression conflicted.

Sarge: "She needs to feed. If she doesn’t, she’ll lose control and could kill someone. We need to find a way to help her."

The Cold-Blooded leader’s eyes narrowed, a stern resolve in his gaze.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "We can’t allow a vampire to live, Sarge. You know that. She’s a threat to everyone here."

Sarge: "She’s not like the others. She doesn’t want to kill. She’s asking for our help."

Cold-Blooded Leader: "Every vampire kills a human eventually, Sarge. And I see no reason to believe she’s any different. She could kill someone, and given enough time she will. It is inevitable. We’ll set a trap for her."

Sarge’s heart sank. He knew there would be no convincing them.

Sarge: "No. I won’t be part of this. She deserves a chance."

Cold-Blooded Leader: "Then you’re a fool, Sarge. And a danger to us all. We’ll do what we must. Call her. Tell her to come to you."

Sarge shook his head, refusing to comply.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "If you don’t help us, we’ll tie you up for your own good. And the safety of everyone else. We’ll lie if we have to, threaten to kill you and the people of the community if she doesn’t come."

Sarge: "You can’t do this. She’s not a monster."

Cold-Blooded Leader: "She’s a vampire. That’s enough. Make the call, or we’ll do it our way."

Sarge’s resolve wavered. He knew the Cold-Blooded were unyielding in their mission to destroy evil. He felt trapped, torn between his duty and his empathy.

Sarge: (defeated) "Alright. I’ll make the call."

He picked up the radio, his hands shaking. He knew this could be a death sentence for her, but he had no choice. The Cold-Blooded were determined, and he couldn’t fight them all.

Sarge: (into the radio) "Come to the village. I’ll make sure you’re safe."

As he put the radio down, he felt a deep sense of betrayal, not just of the vampire lady, but of his own principles. The Cold-Blooded began to set their trap, ready to spring it the moment she arrived. Sarge could only hope that somehow, some way, there would be a way to save her and prove that not all monsters are beyond redemption.

The air was thick with tension as the Cold-Blooded set their trap. Sarge stood at the edge of the community, his heart heavy with dread. He knew she was coming, trusting him, believing that he would protect her.

The vampire lady moved silently through the forest, her senses heightened. She could see in the dark, every shadow and flicker of movement clear to her. She crouched low, moving silently along the perimeter.

Sarge stood with the Cold-Blooded leader, his face a mask of conflict. He had tried to convince them, but their resolve was unbreakable. They believed she was a threat that needed to be eliminated.

Cold-Blooded Leader: (watching the shadows) "She’ll come."

Sarge’s heart ached. He had led her into a trap, and now he was powerless to stop what was coming. He prayed that she would sense the danger and stay away.

The vampire lady moved closer, her eyes catching sight of Sarge. Relief washed over her, and she stood, stepping into the open.

Her features are soft, her face filled with trust and hope. She began to walk towards him, her steps light and graceful. She was a vision of innocence and beauty, her golden hair shimmering in the moonlight.

Sarge’s breath caught in his throat. He wanted to run to her, to protect her, but he was surrounded by the Cold-Blooded, their eyes locked on their target.

Cold-Blooded Leader: (coldly) "Now."

The vampire lady sensed the shift, felt the tension. She stopped, her eyes scanning the darkness. She saw the Cold-Blooded moving towards her, their intentions clear. Fear gripped her, and she turned to run, her heart pounding.

Sarge: (shouting) "No!"

But it was too late. The Cold-Blooded sprang from the shadows, weapons ready. The vampire lady bolted, her speed and agility allowing her to evade them, but only just. She ran through the trees, her breath coming in sharp gasps.

Vampire Lady: "Help me!"

Sarge pushed through the Cold-Blooded, desperate to reach her. His heart shattered at the sight of her running, the betrayal clear in her eyes. He had to stop them, had to protect her.

Sarge: (desperate) "Stop! Don’t!"

But the Cold-Blooded were relentless. They pursued her with single-minded determination, their eyes cold and unforgiving. Sarge ran after them, his mind racing for a way to save her.

The vampire lady darted through the forest, her senses screaming at her to keep moving. She could hear them behind her, their footsteps like thunder in her ears. She needed to find a way to escape, to survive.

As she ran, she realized the depth of the betrayal. Sarge had led her into a trap, and now she was fighting for her life. Tears streamed down her face, the pain of his betrayal cutting deeper than any weapon.

Vampire Lady: (whispering) "Why? Why lead me on?"

She pushed herself harder, her body a blur of motion. She had to find a way out. Her instincts to survive were overpowering. Her trust had been shattered; survival was all that mattered.

Sarge followed, his heart breaking with every step. He had betrayed her trust, and now he was powerless to stop the consequences. He could only hope that somehow, some way, she would find a way to escape and survive the night.

The vampire lady darted through the forest, her anger and betrayal driving her forward. Her senses were on high alert, but her mind was consumed with thoughts of Sarge. He had betrayed her trust, led her into a trap when she had come to him in desperation. She could feel the Cold-Blooded closing in, their relentless pursuit fueled by their unyielding belief that she was a threat.

As she ran, she could hear Sarge shouting behind her, his voice filled with a mix of desperation and regret. But it was too late for words. She felt the sting of betrayal sharper than any physical wound.

Vampire Lady: (to herself, seething*) "He could have just told me the truth. I would have let him kill me. I trusted him, and he led me into this trap. How could he lie to me like that? He couldn’t believe I would willing go to my own execution. So he lied to me to get me to go to it. He ALWAYS intended to kill me. He lied just to get be to walk into his trap."

She could sense the Cold-Blooded gaining on her, their presence like a cold shadow at her back. She knew she had to find a way to confront Sarge, to make him understand the depth of his betrayal.

The forest opened up into a small clearing, and she stopped, seething with anger. She turned, her eyes glowing with an unnatural light, and waited.

Sarge burst into the clearing, followed closely by the Cold-Blooded. He stopped when he saw her.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "It’s over, vampire. Surrender now, and we’ll make it quick."

Vampire Lady: "My name is Emily. And I’m not afraid to die. I’m afraid I will kill an innocent like me. There’s nowhere else for me to go that I won’t become the monster you condemn me of being. I’ll surrender, but I want him" (staring at Sarge) "to kill me. I want to die and him" (staring at Sarge) "to live KNOWING I kept my promise. I didn’t hurt anyone."

The Cold-Blooded came out of nowhere surrounding her, but she ignored them, her eyes locked on Sarge.

Sarge: "Please, listen to me. I didn’t want this to happen."

Emily stood tall, her voice steady despite the fear and anger coursing through her.

Emily: "I trusted you. I came to you in good faith, and you betrayed me. I asked for help, and instead, you led me to my death."

Sarge’s eyes filled with tears, the weight of her words crushing him. He stepped forward, his hands shaking.

Sarge: "I’m sorry, Emily. I didn’t know what else to do."

Emily: "You could have been honest. You could have killed me when I asked, if you couldn't help me. But instead, you deceived me."

She took a deep breath, her resolve unwavering.

Emily: (Going to her knees) "Tell Dad, tell him… I love him.”

He reached into his jacket, pulling out a wooden stake. His hands trembled as he approached Emily, her eyes never leaving his.

Sarge: "I’m sorry. I’m so sorry."

With tears streaming down his face, Sarge raised the stake, his mind screaming against the act he was about to commit. With a swift, merciful strike, he drove the stake into her heart.

Emily gasped, her eyes wide with pain, but she did not scream. She fell, her body trembling before finally going still. Sarge knelt beside her, his heart shattering as he whispered his final apology.

As the night deepened, Sarge remained by Emily’s side, his tears falling onto the forest floor. He had made his choice, but the consequences would haunted him.

One of the Cold-Blooded pulled out the same axe that had been used to hack off the heads of Sarge’s teammates. The sight of it sent a shiver down Sarge’s spine.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "We have to be sure."

Without another word, the Cold-Blooded took turns using the axe, methodically cutting off Emily’s head and then cutting out her heart. Each strike of the axe echoed in Sarge’s mind, a brutal reminder of the betrayal he had witnessed before, when the people of the community had done the same to his friends while he stood by, helpless.

Sarge watched, numb with shock and horror. He could barely process what was happening, the gruesome scene playing out in front of him like a nightmare. Emily’s body lay in pieces, a tragic end to a tortured existence.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "Start a fire. We need to burn the remains to ash. It’s the only way to be certain she won’t come back."

Sarge nodded mechanically, his mind detached from his actions as he gathered wood and kindling to start a fire. His hands moved on their own, the numbness spreading through his entire body.

As the flames grew, the Cold-Blooded placed the remains of Emily into the fire. The smell of burning flesh filled the air, and Sarge turned away, unable to watch any longer. The betrayal, the death, the horror—it was all too much.

Cold-Blooded Leader: "You did what had to be done, Sarge. You are one of us now. Cold-Blooded through and through."

Sarge said nothing, his eyes vacant as he stared into the distance. The weight of his actions, and the actions of those around him, pressed down on him like a physical burden. He had betrayed Emily, led her into a trap, and now she was gone, her body reduced to ash in the flames.

As the fire burned, Sarge knew that he would never be the same. The memories of this night would haunt him forever.

Mystic Knight Merc Squad - Page 4 (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

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Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.