Exclusive 50 Shades of Grey recipes from Grub Club London chefs (2024)

Page 42 [Gluten-free] Blueberry Muffins – recipe contributed by Social Pantry (Makes 12 Muffins)

Dry ingredients: 240g gluten-free self-raising flour; 100g gluten-free wholemeal flour; Two teaspoons baking powder; Zest of half a lemon; one teaspoon lemon juice; 85g golden caster sugar; 50g light muscovado

Wet ingredients: one very ripe banana with black skin; one egg; 284ml buttermilk

Other ingredients: 225g fresh blueberries; 100g chopped pecan nuts; 25g sunflower seeds and 10g castor sugar

Method: Heat the oven to 200c /180c. Lightly oil the muffin tin. In a large bowl mix in all the dry ingredients together until well combined. In another bowl mix together all the wet ingredients. Spoon by spoon mix the dry into the wet until totally combined – try not to over work the mix at this stage to prevent the muffins becoming tough. Lastly add in the nuts, seeds and berries. Spoon into the muffin tins. When cooked, sprinkle over the castor sugar.

Page 71 Egg White Omelette contributed by Liv Sibony

Ingredients: Four teaspoons vegetable olive oil; one small onion, finely chopped; half teaspoon cumin, half teaspoon mustard seeds, one green chili partly-deseeded; one handful chopped fresh coriander; six cherry tomatoes, deseeded; one small pack chopped spinach, steamed, all excess water squeezed out; salt and black pepper; 12 egg whites.

Method: In a small pan, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the onions. Cover with a lid to keep in the moisture, stirring occasionally and putting the lid back on between stirs. Cook until soft about three to five minutes. Meanwhile, dry-fry the cumin and mustard seeds in a non-stick pan for about 45 seconds. Make sure to remove from the heat as soon as the aromas start coming through. Crush in a pestle and mortar. Add the fried seeds, chilli, tomatoes and spinach. Add salt and pepper to taste; and cook for another minute and turn the heat right down and put the lid on to continue to keep the moisture in. In a medium bowl, whisk the egg whites, and a pinch salt and pepper until frothy – the lighter and frothier the better. Add a small amount of oil to another pan. Add quarter of the egg whites, swirling to evenly cover the bottom of the pan. Cook until set, about two minutes. Using a rubber scraper lift the eggs up and let the runny uncooked egg flow underneath. Spoon quarter of the spinach mixture onto half of the omelette, add the fresh coriander, fold over, and slide onto a serving plate. Repeat with remaining egg whites and spinach mixture.

Nettle soup served with sour cream featured in P153 of the book

Page 71, Page 127 and Page 458's pancakes. Recipe contributed by Christabel Beeson

Ingredients:Three cups coconut milk; three teaspoons of cinnamon; two free range eggs; 1.5 cups of gluten free flour

Method: Whisk up all of the above ingredients until you get a smooth mixture. Cover with cling film and pop in the fridge. When you are ready to serve, pop a teaspoon of butter in a pan. Make sure the butter spans the whole pan. Then, spoon a ladleful of batter into the pan. Once you can get a spatula under it to flip - flip and cook on the other side. The pancakes are best served with blueberries, maple syrup and crispy bacon.

Page 153's Nettle Soup with sour cream – Recipe contributed by Social Pantry Supper Club

Ingredients: One head of bok choi; three sticks of celery; one white onion; three garlic cloves; two knobs of butter; One litre good quality vegetable stock; one handful sage; one handful mint; one handful nettles – stalks removed. Salt and pepper to taste. One tablespoons sour cream per person and a few whole parsley leaves to garnish

Method: Dice the onion, celery and garlic. In a large pan melt the butter and sauté the onion, celery and garlic until soft. Wash the bok choi and slice into strips and sauté in the pan. When the bok choi has softened, add in the vegetable stock and simmer for 10 minutes. Lastly add in the chopped herbs and nettles. Leave to simmer for one minute. Season to taste, garnish with the sour cream and parsley leaves. Serve with a deliciously warm and crunchy baguette.

Page 154's Venison Tartare - Recipe contributed by A Little Lusciousness

Ingredients: 250g venison loin; half red onion; five cornichons; two teaspoons capers; one teaspoon parsley; two teaspoons ketchup; one teaspoon Dijon mustard; two teaspoons Worcestershire sauce; half a teaspoon Tabasco; pepper; two eggs; one teaspoon horseradish; one teaspoon creme fraiche.

Method: Chop the venison into very small nuggets less than 0.5x0.5cm cubed. Chop the red onion, cornichons, a teaspoon of the capers and parsley as small as possible. Mix into the venison. Combine the ketchup, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, tabasco and pepper and stir into the venison mix. Mix the horseradish and creme fraiche, plate up the venison mix and serve with a tsp of horseradish mix and an egg yolk.

Page 316'S Chicken Caesar Salad – recipe contributed by Chris Jordan from A Taste

Ingredients: One corn fed chicken breast; 20g butter; one garlic clove; one sprig thyme; two heads Cos lettuce, cut into quarters; 100ml chicken stock; 20g butter; seasoning

Method for the chicken: Preheat the oven to 180C. Season the chicken breasts then place, skin-side down, into a hot ovenproof frying pan over a medium heat. Cook until the skin is golden-brown, then add the garlic, thyme and butter.Turn the chicken breasts over and transfer to the oven to cook for a further seven minutes. Remove from the oven and baste with butter for an additional minute. Leave to rest.

Ingredients for the dressing: Four free-range yolks; one garlic clove, pureed; two teaspoons dijon mustard; one tablespoon white wine vinegar; 500ml extra virgin olive oil; 75g grated Parmesan; 20ml Worcestershire sauce; 50ml white anchovy oil; sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Method for the dressing: Place the egg yolks in a large, clean bowl with a damp cloth under the bowl to secure it. Add the mustard, Worcestershire, garlic, Parmesan and vinegar. Whisk with a balloon whisk to blend. Add the anchovy oil and whisk until it's well blended in.Slowly start adding the olive oil, whisking thoroughly between each addition, until the it emulsifies. If the dressing is too thick, you can thin it with a little bit of warm water. Season

Ingredients for the salad:fresh Cos lettuce leaves, pancetta crisps, parmesan shavings

long thin sourdough croutons white anchovies;duck egg, cooked in the oven at 62C in a water bath for 45 minutes

Method for the salad: Bring stock to simmer in saucepan with a little salt. Poach for one minute, until just wilted and refresh in iced water. Heat a frying pan on high heat. Sear the cut side of the lettuce until slightly burnt, add butter and continue to cook until foams. Remove from the pan and season.

Page 222 Black cod, asparagus, crushed potatoes and hollandaise sauce - recipe contributed by Chris Jordon from A Taste

Ingredients for the marinade: 50ml cup sake; 50ml mirin; two tablespoons white miso paste; one tablespoons sugar; 10g grated ginger; one clove garlic, pureed; two black cod fillets, skin on; 100g Jersey Royal potatoes; one bunch white asparagus.

Method for the marinade:Combine all marinade ingredients in bowl. Marinade the cod in the fridge overnight.

Ingredients for the Hollandaise: Two tablespoons white miso paste; two free range yolks; 125g butter; juice of one lemon; sea salt; freshly ground pepper

Method for the Hollandaise: Put the egg yolks in a food processor with the miso paste. Gently melt the butter so that the butter solids fall to the bottom of the saucepan. Turn the food processor on and slowly pour the butter on to the egg yolks with the motor still running. The sauce will start to thicken. When only the butter solids are left, stop. If the sauce is too thick, add a little hot water. Season to taste with salt and pepper and a little lemon juice.

Method for the cod: Preheat the oven to 180C. Lightly oil a non-stick baking tray and place the fish skin-side down. Roast for 10 minutes, until just warm inside. Spoon over marinade and finish under the grill until golden. Rest.

Method for the vegetables: Put potatoes in a medium saucepan and cover with water. Add a pinch of salt. Simmer gently for 20 minutes or until tender. Strain off water and allow to cool before slightly crushing. Blanch white asparagus in boiling water for four minutes and refresh in iced water.Heat a frying pan with a little vegetable oil. Add potatoes and white asparagus and saute. Add butter and cook until foaming.Taste and season. Garnish with shaved asparagus and wild garlic

Christian Grey eats a blueberry muffin in Page 42 of the book; the first food to be featured in the story

Page 341's Scallops and chorizo (with peppers, shallot and parsley) from Mr Pigstuff

Ingredients: One red pepper; 200 ml chicken stock; two echalion shallots; 30ml olive oil; fresh flat leaf parsley; 100g miniature chorizo sausages; one teaspoon white wine vinegar; 12 medium scallops; sprinkle of dry oregano; 30g butter; salt and pepper

Method:Pre heat your oven to 200C, rub the pepper with drops of oil and a little salt. Roast the pepper in the hot oven for 15 minutes. While hot, put the roasted pepper in a zip lock bag. Remove the roe and any membrane from the scallops; this is easiest with your fingers. Once cleaned, sprinkle the scallops lightly with oregano and return them to the fridge.

Boil the chicken stock in a saucepan until there is less than one quarter of the original volume. Place away from the heat. Once the pepper is cool enough to handle, remove the skin from the pepper, cut uneven strips from the pepper, allowing one strip of pepper per scallop. Very finely dice two tablespoons of the remaining pepper. Place this in a small bowl. Add to this the same quantity of finely diced shallot and thinly sliced parsley. Place all the remaining pieces of pepper in with the chicken stock, and blend until smooth. Peel the shallots, leave the root stem intact. Slice the shallot into thin slices, lengthways, with each slice connected to part of the stem. Allow one slice of shallot per scallop.

Place a frying pan over a medium heat, carefully place in the shallot slices and oil, and heat it slowly. Once brown lift the shallots onto some absorbent paper. Pick 20 parsley leaves and place them into the oil, fry them until they no longer splutter and spit, lift them onto the absorbent paper. Cook half of the chorizo sausages in frying pan, still on medium heat. Remove the skins from the other sausages; chop the sausage meat until it is quite fine, add this to the frying pan. Once the chopped sausage is brown, remove it from the frying pan. Remove the frying pan from the heat, and the whole chorizo from the pan.

Leave the oil in the pan, you'll use the pan and oil for the scallops. Prepare the plates you will serve the scallops on, with a little sauce and garnish with one slice of pepper,one shallot slice, a little fried chorizo crumb and a thin slice chorizo sausage. Heat the frying pan, complete with chorizo oils over a high heat. When the oil is hot add the butter.

Once the butter has stopped spluttering place the scallops into the pan, one at a time, leaving a 2cm space between each of the scallops. Fry for 90 seconds. Turn the scallops over and fry them a further 60 seconds, then place them onto the plate. Turn of the heat, toss the diced pepper mix and vinegar into the hot oils. Use a spoon to drizzle the hot diced pepper oil over the scallops. Serve immediately.

Sinfully delicious: LemonLemon Syllabub made with caster sugar, double cream and sherry

Page 344's Lemon Syllabub – recipes contributed by A Little Lusciousness

Ingredients: 200g caster sugar; juice of three lemons; zest of one lemon; 200ml sherry and 600ml double cream.

Method: Heat the sugar, lemon juice and zest and sherry in a saucepan over a gentle heat, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Leave to cool slightly. Whip the cream until soft peaks form, then fold into the lemon mixture. Divide up into glass ramekins, and cool in the fridge for at least two hours. Serve with shortbread biscuits.

Page 345's Beef Wellington. Recipe contributed by A Little Lusciousness

Ingredients: 800g fillet of beef; olive oil; salt and pepper; 200g Portobello mushrooms; one clove garlic; one tablespoon Dijon mustard; six pieces serrano ham; one puff pastry; one red onion; two loves of garlic; one knob of butter; 350ml red wine and 500ml chicken or beef stock.

Method:Rub the beef with olive oil, salt and pepper. Sear the fillet in a smoking hot pan, until browned on each side, taking around 1 minute each side. Once browned, remove from the heat, put on a plate and refrigerate. Chop the mushrooms as finely as possible and stir in the Dijon mustard. Cook this mixture over a low heat for around 10 minutes or until it thickens, and is less wet. Cover, and refrigerate. In the meantime make the red wine gravy. Fry the chopped onion and garlic in butter and a little olive oil, over a medium low heat, for around 10 minutes until soft and starting to caramelise. Add the red wine and bubble until the sauce has reduced by half. Add the chicken stock and reduce by half again. Pour through a sieve into another pan and keep warm until needed.

Heat the oven to 200C. Lay the serrano ham out in a line on a piece of cling film. Spread the mushroom paste over the ham with a spatula. Place the beef in the centre and roll the ham around the fillet using the cling film to help. Lay the puff pastry out and place the ham wrapped beef fillet in the middle of the pastry. Pull the pastry round and press the join of pastry together. Fold the ends of the pastry in until the meat is completely encased. Turn the fillet over onto a foil lines baking tray, brush with egg and cook for 30 minutes. The inside of the beef will be pink when served. Allow to rest for 10 minutes, slice up and serve with the red wine sauce, mashed potato and seasonal vegetables.

Cold soup Gazpacho recipe from Social Pantry Supperclub's Alex Heas

Page 463's Gazpacho – recipe contributed by Social Pantry Supper Club

Ingredients: One red onion diced; one red pepper deseeded; two cloves of garlic; four ripe tomatoes; one slice white bread – crusts off ; 500ml passata ; 300ml vegetable stock; five tablespoons olive oil; three tablespoons white wine vinegar; one teaspoon sugar; salt and pepper; handful of mint leaves.

Method: Put the onion, garlic, pepper tomatoes and bread in a food processor. Blitz, add in the passata, sugar, seasoning and any tobacco you may want to spice it up with. Leave for a few hours in the fridge. Season, garnish and serve.

Page 463's Lemon and Garlic marinated steak – recipe contributed by A Little Lusciousness

Ingredients: Two ribeye steaks. 3cm thick' Three tablespoons olive oil; three cloves garlic; zest and juice of one lemon; salt and pepper.

Method: Put the steaks into a dish, and combine the olive oil, crushed garlic and lemon juice and zest and pour over the steaks. Add salt and pepper. Cover and refrigerate for six hours. Heat a griddle pan over a high heat, and add the steaks once the pan is smoking. Cook for two minutes each side for medium rare, or three minutes each side for medium. Serve with mashed potato and rocket.

This pasta alle vongole features homemade pasta and 1kg of clams

Page 483's Pasta alle vongole – recipe contributed by Chris Jordan of A Taste

Ingredients for the pasta: 565 g '00p flour, plus extra for dusting; ten free-range egg yolks; two whole free-range eggs; two tablespoons extra virgin olive oil; pinch of fine salt

Method: Add flour and salt to a large bowl and make a well in the middle. Add the eggs and the yolks to the well. Add the oil , then use a fork to whip up with the eggs until smooth, then gradually bring the flour in from the outside. When it becomes too hard to mix, get your clean floured hands in there and bring it together into a ball of dough. Knead on a flour-dusted surface for around 4 minutes, or until smooth. Wrap in clingfilm and leave to relax for 30 minutes. Roll out using pasta machine and cut into 4cmx4cm squares. Blanch pasta in boiling water for four minutes.

Ingredients for the vongole: 1kg vongole (clams); 100ml white wine; half bunch thyme; one shallot finely sliced; one garlic clove finally sliced; pinch of sea salt. Ingredients for the garnish: 100g parsnip puree; sauteed morel mushrooms ; micro cress; parsnip crisps

Method: Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Heat a medium sized saucepan with a lid on a high heat. Tip in the clams, wine and aromatics. It will splutter and steam, put the lid back on. After about three or four minutes the clams will start to open, so keep shuffling the pan around until all of them have opened. Discard any that remain closed. Strain the liquid and reserve.To serve: Layer the pasta sheets with vongole, sauteed morel mushroom and parsnip puree. Top with parsnip crisps.

Exclusive 50 Shades of Grey recipes  from Grub Club London chefs (2024)


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