Digimon Adventure 03 - The Dark Crusade - Chapter 21 - Altus_Shimura - Digimon (2024)

Chapter Text

On the horizon, far from the rising smoke of the Codec Ruins- a thin black line was growing increasingly larger. With every passing moment, this small smudge of darkness would increase in size and density, defined as it was against the sunlight at it's back, and any who turned and looked out into the distance would wonder what exactly that indistinct shadow was. But none would have to wonder for long, for far in the distance the host of Daemon was approaching. Carried on a hundred thousand black wings, demonic Digimon of every stripe and variety were advancing towards their enemies as one huge monolithic cloud of death. On their own they were little more than ravening beasts, but together- under the control of their master Daemon, they were a force unlike any the Digital World had ever seen before. An army existent under a single fell purpose- to destroy all that was good or innocent. In the very depths of that black cloud, Daemon flew threw the air with Mephistomon at his side. Without his robe to cover him any longer, Daemon had shed any vestige of civility or grace. With his curved horns, his tusked mouth, his glassy blue eyes and tufted batlike fur- he was truly a thing of nightmares, he thought. But in his mind, he was nothing more than what his enemies had forced him to be; what they had twisted him into. So be it. As his host grew every closer to the Codec Ruins, those words settled firmly in Daemon's mind, justifying all that was to come. So be it.

Dominimon's body twisted through the air with an inhuman grace to avoid every single one of ChaosGallantmon's thrusts with his lance. Inside the holy angelic knight, despite everything, TK had to admit he was having the time of his life. He and his partner were as one in both body and mind, and nothing had ever felt so affirming. TK could suddenly remember every battle they had ever fought from Angemon's perspective. He remembered how it felt to fly as Pegasusmon, what it was like to be DNA Digivolved as Shakkoumon, and how it had felt to die fighting Devimon only to be reborn again. And now he was able to express the sum of those experiences through a body perfectly designed to contain their two spirits. His every dodge was unorthodox, his every attack- unpredictable. ChaosGallantmon swung out with his shield in a savage smash, but in a perfectly timed duck Dominimon went low and threw his own arms out wide, making the shields on his shoulders face the sky. "Zero Heavens!" he yelled, sending two burning lasers out from the crosses on his shields which struck the back of ChaosGallantmon's shield and sent his left arm flying upwards, completely disabling his momentum, and leaving his body wide open. Not wasting the opportunity, Dominimon summoned his Excalibur from the emitter on his left wrist and lashed out at the black knight. The emerald blade dashed its way in a diagonal cut across ChaosGallantmon's chest, making him rear backwards in shock and pain. Dominimon punctuated this by kicking ChaosGallantmon hard in the chest.

Dominimon was quickly realising what kind of mega-level he was, and it was not one to waste a clear advantage. Dashing forward with his golden sash trailing in the air after him, his green blade left a trail of light in the air as he lashed out repeatedly at his opponent. ChaosGallantmon was forced to hide behind his shield as slash after slash came raining down from Dominimon's left arm. Thrusting forward with his lance, Dominimon caught the attack on his blade and re-directed it upwards, just in time for a flurry of red lightning to come bursting out of the tip of the lance and shooting upwards into the clouds.

"You're losing your edge…" Dominimon said mockingly. "This is just the beginning…" ChaosGallantmon replied before kneeing Dominimon hard in the stomach. A dark aura overtook him as he growled in effort, summoning forth every reserve of power he had within him. All at once the darkness overtook him and his form began to shift. The shadows parted and ChaosGallantmon had taken on a new form, a mockery of Gallantmon's own Crimson Mode. He had sprouted eight dark wings to match Dominimon's eight golden ones, and his body was bolstered by dark blue armour plates, and in his hands, he held a double-sided lance, and a short sword. Bursting forth with new vigour, the two-winged knights crossed blades again.

Far below, Kari was doing her best to pull a pile of bricks and other debris off Ophanimon. Her fingernails were bloody and her hands and armed were covered in scrapes and bruises, but all the same she continued lifting brick after brick until she felt the weight begin to shift and Ophanimon burst upwards. Her armour was scuffed and battered and a few of her wings were bent and misshapen, but still she rose on unsteady legs and walked weakly out of the pile of rubble she had been buried under. Looking up, she marvelled at the fight happening before her eyes. Dominimon and ChaosGallantmon seemed evenly matched now, with their wings making them dance in perfect synchronicity through the air, their blades meeting in a flurry of furious sparks.

"This doesn't make sense…" Ophanimon said, watching the fight closely from below. "What do you mean?" Kari asked. "Even biomerged- TK and Angemon shouldn't be this powerful together. Someone else is helping them…" Ophanimon's voice trailed off with these last words, as if even she barely believed them. "What makes you say that?" asked Kari, looking at Ophanimon with some misgivings. "His aura. You can't see it, but I can. It's massive. He's overflowing with energy, as if it's being fed directly into him from a source….wait, not from one source…" Ophanimon studied the air around Dominimon, following invisible trails of data and energy with her ancient, practised eyes that Kari could not see. "…from four sources." Kari's eyes widened. "The Sovereigns!". The two's eyes met as they remembered Kari's earlier interaction with the Harmonious Ones. Puzzled, Kari said "But they said they weren't going to interfere…why would they lie?". Rising to her full height, Ophanimon shook any remaining dust and dirt from herself and raised her right arm. Instantly, her helmet flew towards her from a few feet away and landed in her grasp. Placing it back on, she turned to Kari and said, "Let's go ask them!".


Matt had only awoken in the last few minutes, but in that time from everything Tai had told him his head was beginning to swim. Koromon and Tsunomon had managed to digivolve back into Agumon and Gabumon, and now the four of them were covering ground quicker back towards the Codec Ruins. This presented a challenge though, as Matt was sure that soon enough, they would begin to get close to the back of the enemy's line. Thousands of Digimon had advanced to besiege the ruins, but surely at least a few had held themselves back and would intercept the four of them as they approached. It was with this worry ominously in the back of his mind that he thought on everything Tai had told him. Looking down at his Digivice, he wondered what caused it to react the way it had. But the most dominant thought in his head was his worry for all their friends, but especially his brother. If his rash decision to help Tai and Wargreymon led to his brother being hurt, he would never forgive himself. Looking down at Gabumon, he asked "Buddy, do you think you can digivolve-even just to Champion Level?". Gabumon closed his eyes in concentration, but after some time the only noise to come out of him was a sigh of frustration and a grumbling from his stomach. "Sorry Matt, I'm just too worn out.". Matt sighed, turning away. What good was this "Cipher of the Ancients" if they couldn't use it right now, he thought bitterly. Looking at Tai, the two silently agreed to continue walking. They did not have to walk long though, as soon the trees parted, and they came to a clearing.

No sooner were they out of the cover of the trees than a great surge of wind rushed over them as a pair of wings flapped high in the air above them. They turned, expecting a fight, but were disarmed and delighted to see Phoenixmon with Sora sitting on her back coming into land behind them. "Where were you two?!" Sora said, descending from Phoenixmon, her face a mixture of relief and fury as tears involuntarily formed in the corners of her eyes. Tai opened his mouth to explain, but before he could Sora put her arms around both his and Matt's neck and pulled them into a three-way hug. Tai felt awkward for a few moments but soon had to admit that hugging his two-favourite people at once was pretty awesome. Parting, Sora said "Come on, we need to get back!". Turning, all three ran back to Phoenixmon and crawled their way slowly up her great body onto her back. Her wings flurried into motion and soon they were flying back towards the Codec Ruins.

Tai could now see the ruins more clearly, and the greater detail did nothing to ease his mind. The western wall was crawling with evil Digimon, while the northern wall was a picture of desolation. Digimon fought tooth and nail on the higher wall while on the lower bastion entrances fire was exchanged in a ceaseless barrage in every direction. Tai could see that the claimed western wall was now pushing onto the forces of the northern wall, boxing them in and cutting off their escape. "We need to help them!" Tai said, and Phoenixmon nodded, with a roar of "Crimson Flare!" she sent down monsoon of flames which engulfed the advancing forces of the western wall. As they idled above the inferno, Matt noticed Hippogriffomon fighting just below them. "Griff!" he cried out, getting the honourable beasts attention. "Fall back to the inner bastion, get your people out of here!" Hippogriffomon nodded and turned back to his remaining forces, telling them to retreat. One by one, the remaining Digimon made their way down the steps and into the doorways and tunnels which eventually lead down into the inner bastion. Many barred the doors after them, but Hippogriffomon idled still on the wall, waiting to see that every one of his soldiers was safe.

Two Gekomon came screaming past him, an Phantomon flying after them, its scythe whipping through the air. With a growl, Hippogriffomon pounced towards the Phantomon, but before he could attack the ghostly creatures scythe came lashing back and cut him from stomach to chest. Hippogriffomon hit the wall behind the Phantomon, but before the spectre could finish the job it was snatched up in one of Phoenixmon's claws and crushed. Jumping from Phoenixmon's back, Matt and Gabumon knelt next to Hippogriffomon's prone form. Raising his head weakly, he met Matt's eyes and said, "It was an honour sir...". Feeling tears forming in his eyes, Matt wiped them away with the back of his glove and said, "The honour was ours Griff…". A moment later, HippoGriffomon was gone, his data dispersing away into nothing. "Matt, we need to go…" Tai said, from up on Phoenixmon's back. "I know. I'm coming…" Matt said with a sigh.

The four Digimon Sovereign watched Kari and Ophanimon approach, the same baleful expression on their faces that they had given earlier. They betrayed no motive or action as Kari studied them all one by one. Choosing her words carefully, Kari began to speak. "I want you to tell me what's really going on here. Now.". The Harmonious Ones exchanged glances but said nothing. Finally, Azulongmon broke the silence. "Kari Kamiya, it is as I said to you- we need your friends to help us defeat Daemon, or else the Digital World will be-". But Kari's patience had begun to fray. She looked around the room and in the far distance she could see Mimi and Yolei tending to their wounded partners, while Joe and Cody watched over an unconscious Izzy. Exveemon and Stingmon were shepherding injured and scared Digimon into the hall while Davis and Ken helped. A fury was filling Kari, her friends had suffered and were still suffering. She did not even know if her brother was ok. And so, before Azulongmon could speak another word, Kari shouted, "Shut up!".

Her words resounded around the great hall, and many turned to look at her, expressions ranging between surprise and fear. Baihumon rose up on his two great front legs, an expression on fury on his feline features "How dare you speak to us that way, I should tear your limb from limb-"but before he could speak another word, Ophanimon stepped in front of Kari, her lance in her hand "You don't speak to her that way!" she said, a cold fury in her voice. There was a tense silence for a few moments before Kari sighed, saying "Just tell us the truth, we deserve that much." None of the Sovereign seemed to want to speak, but it was Zhuqiaomon who broke the silence. "Very well child- you are correct. We have been lying to you."

The confirmation of this filled Kari with a worse dread than she could have imagined. "Why?" She asked, exasperated. Zhuqiaomon looked at his fellow Sovereign, who one by one nodded their approval for him to continue. "We told you that the Digital World would end if you children did not defeat Daemon. In fact- it will end either way. Your role was only ever to draw Daemon and all his corrupted forces here." Kari's head was reeling from what she was hearing, but all the same she pressed on with her questioning. "Why here?" she asked, almost not wanting to know the answer. "Because far below these ruins, our master Fanglongmon sleeps. And when we awaken him, he will shred this land and all who reside in it down to their basest data, before moving on to the rest of the Digital World. There could be no chance that Daemon or any of his ilk be allowed to escape, so we inspired this conflict to draw him here." Now the rest of the Digidestined were hearing this, they were abandoning what they had been doing and were walking over to join Kari. "So, what happens to us?" Davis asked, incredulous. "You will be sent back to your world." Ken stepped forward, incensed. "And our Digimon?" he asked. "Destroyed…" with that single world Zhuqiaomon confirmed the worst of the children's fears. A wave of panic overcome them, as one by one they each gripped on to their partners. "You can't do this!" Kari shouted indignantly. "It is already done." Replied Zhuqiaomon, dipping his head sorrowfully.

"But why?" Kari asked, feeling her cheeks beginning to grow hot with emotion. It was Azulongmon who spoke next. "Because long ago, a corruption was allowed to fester in the Digital World. A corruption that now-today- can be cut out. Perhaps- one day- a new Digital World will be born to take this world's place. A better world." Kari could hear no more of this, stepping forward, she shouted "This world deserves a chance to live! It's not perfect- but there are people living in it who don't deserve to be destroyed. This world is where we became the people we are today- we deserve a chance to fight for it!" Her passion was infectious, and behind her the other Digidestined shouted their approval. "We understand you are upset child, but- "

"Don't call me child!" Kari shouted at Azulongmon. "I came here to fight for this world because I believe in it, and I'm not going anywhere!". From high up in the roof, Phoenixmon descended towards them, tucking her great wings in as she landed. Tai, Matt, and Sora shimmied down off her back and ran towards their friends. "What's going on?" Sora asked. When all three were told by Davis, they turned towards the Sovereigns, no less betrayed and angry than any of their friends. It was Kari though who's fury seemed to vex the Sovereign the most, as all four crowded around her while she held them to account. "We are sorry Kari- but we serve our master, and this is his will." Ebonwumon said. "And what about your will?" she questioned. Before they could reply, she asked "What about the will of all these Digimon- why does your master get to decide?" None could respond to her. It was only moments later though that the opportunity was lost. From above two streaks of light- one of blue and the other of gold- came crashing through the ceiling and colliding multiple times across the huge hall. It was only when the two streaks met once more in the middle of the room that Kari could discern that these two energies were none other than ChaosGallantmon and Dominimon, sparks flying from their crossed blades as they struggled for dominance.

With a resounding burst of energy both were parted and thrown backwards across the room. Dominimon turned his shields on his enemy "Zero Heavens!" he shouted, letting loose a blast of fiery plasma. In response, ChaosGallantmon raised his blade and shouted, "Final Chaos!" sending back a surging mass of dark energy which penetrated Dominimon's attack and overwhelmed it. In the ensuing explosion all were thrown backwards. Ophanimon used her wings to cover Kari as the two knelt and covered their faces from the smoke and dust flying. Dominimon charged his shields, preparing to fire again- but across the hall ChaosGallantmon had already summoned another mass of energy into his sword. "Please, you have to stop this!". Everyone heard the words before they placed where they were coming from. Ophanimon looked down beneath her wings, Kari was no longer there. She was running out between Dominimon and ChaosGallantmon. "Stop it right now!" she yelled again as she raised her arms and stood between the two of them. ChaosGallantmon's Final Chaos attack fired, and everyone began to scream.

Time seemed to slow as Ophanimon raced forward as fast as her wings could carry her. Across the hall Dominimon stopped charging his attack and flew forward too, his hand outstretched. The beam of furious dark energy crossed the distance towards Kari like it was nothing, and within a few moments was seconds from hitting her. Without grace or care- Ophanimon shouldered into Kari as hard as she could, attempting to push her out of the way. But she was just a moment too late. The brunt of the beam hit Ophanimon, but Kari was still too close, and when the beam exploded Kari was thrown backwards by its full force, her clothes smouldering as her small and thin body rolled along the hard ground before coming to a stop. Everyone ran forward, but none faster than Tai. He skidded with his knees on the ground, cutting them terribly but not noticing the pain as he scooped Kari up into his arms, patting the flames from her clothes. She was bleeding in a dozen places, patches of her skin were black. He felt beneath her nose and his own breath caught when he realised it. Kari was not breathing. He placed her down, panic overtaking him as he babbled to his friends, not knowing what to do as tears ran down his face. But it was Joe who pushed him aside. Placing his hands on Kari's chest, he began to give her chest compressions- counting rhythmically all the way to thirty beneath his breath as he did so. Kneeling, he pinched Kari's nose shut and placed his mouth over hers, blowing two large breaths into her lungs before going back to chest compressions.

And so, it continued. Mouth-to-mouth, chest compressions. Mouth-to-mouth, chest compressions. TK and Patamon had at this point separated and TK was beside himself with shock and fear, watching as Joe did everything he could to revive Kari. Watching this from across the hall, ChaosGallantmon was frozen in place. A voice long silenced had been awoken and was screaming within him. What had he done? What had he become? Silently he fell to his knees, dropping his two weapons and placing his hands on his armoured head. He did not make a sound, but inside his mind was a roaring maelstrom. Wicked incantations played over in his brain again and again, but beneath them he was beginning to remember. He remembered ice cream with Jeri. Playing cards with Kazu and Kenta, being thrown across the dojo by Rika. He remembered the taste of warm bread, the smell of the summer air. He remembered…who he was. He was Takato Matsuki.

With a final scream, ChaosGallantmon split apart and was no more. On the floor, Takato and Guilmon watched as Joe Kido continued his attempts to revive Kari. It was on his fourth attempt at giving mouth-to-mouth that Kari's eyes shot open, and she spluttered out a coughing gasp of air. She had not been breathing for just under a minute, but to all assembled it had felt like an infinity of time. Her eyes swam back and forth in her head as she found herself unable to form a though or even move. But finally, she focused on the face of her brother. Raising a hand, she wiped tears from his cheek. "I'm sorry Tai…" she croaked, and despite everything Tai laughed, "Only you would nearly die and apologise for it." He said, before bundling Kari up in the biggest hug ever. She was still injured, but she was alive. Tai thanked whatever power there was in the universe for that fact.

Across the hall, Takato began to feel something terrible within him quake. And whatever it was, Guilmon must have been feeling it too because his partner was gripping his claws into the hard ground and the muscles in his back were tensing, as if something was trying to force its way out of the dinosaur. In a matter of seconds, the feeling became ten times more intense and suddenly Takato began to scream in pain. Everyone turned to watch as he rolled around on the floor with his partner. It was as if a ball of blazing hot iron was stuck in his chest and slowing burning its way out. Little did Takato know though how accurate this description was though, as in the next moment two red streaks of energy would burst out of both him and Guilmon's chests before coalescing into a small ball above them. The ball of furious energy roiled and surged like an angry ocean for a few moments before seeming to seal itself beneath a glassy exterior and falling to the ground. Takato knew what it was though no one had told him. It was The Hazard, or a representation of it at least.

The small red glass ball rolled on the uneven floor away from the exhausted Takato and Guilmon before stopping at a pair of feet that had just landed from the hole in the ceiling above. With a look of little more than simple curiosity, Daemon knelt and picked up The Digital Hazard, rolling it around in his great taloned hand. Then everyone watched, frozen in shock and horror, as without a word- he brought his hand up to his open mouth and swallowed the Hazard in a single gulp. For a moment there was only silence, and then his body began to radiate with a terrible red light. He laughed maniacally as he felt a power, he had never even dreamed of fill him up. His body began to bulge and misshape, and then he was consumed in that scarlet light. He grew larger, his wings becoming huge and his body doubling over on itself as he occupied greater and greater space. Finally, he spoke out:


The energy cocooning him burst apart and all beheld his new form. Golgomon was a dragon of terrible size, his scales a deep crimson and covered in a natural black armour. His neck was long and culminated in a crown of black horns atop his elongated draconic head. His eyes were a burning golden yellow and his teeth were as sharp as daggers. He turned himself towards the Digimon Sovereign, and his new voice boomed out from his new throat. "Fall…" he said simply, and that one word released enough force to send the four Sovereign flying backwards, each impacting against the wall and leaving a spiderweb of cracks that reached into the ceiling. He let out a bellow of laughter at this. The war was over now. None could stand in his way.

Digimon Adventure 03 - The Dark Crusade - Chapter 21 - Altus_Shimura - Digimon (2024)


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.